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Top 10 Advantages of Put-in-Bay Homes Vs Hotels

Short-term vacation accommodations on Put-in-Bay are growing to become something much more than just a place to sleep and shower. The Island Club Rental Homes and Put-in-Bay Waterfront Condos are quickly becoming the next big thing in the local island tourism industry. Downtown hotels and Put-in-Bay resorts are not as cost effective. What used to be a way of saving money on long stays on the island is now a beautiful experience in itself! Countless travelers are seeking out these private accommodations for weekends, short midweek stays, and even for week long vacations. Vacation rental homes/condos have a long list of advantages over hotels. This makes them really popular for family holidays and for Put-in-Bay's traditional bachelor and bachelorette parties.

Here are the Top 10 Significant Advantages of Put-in-Bay Rental Lodgings:

1. Spend More Quality Time With Your Friends And Family Unlike a hotel experience where a large chunk of time is often spent in one's own private room, a vacation rental home allows your entire group of friends and family to be all together. Everyone can be involved in activities together in the common areas, such as a large living room and private outside deck. You can cook in the fully-furnished kitchen, enjoy a DirecTV movie in the living room, play card games at the dining room table, and spend time outside enjoying the Put-in-Bay weather in your own private yard without any restriction. 2. Get More Personal Space Compared To A Single Hotel Room [caption id="attachment_289" align="alignnone" width="300"]Rental Home vs Hotel Room Rental Home vs Hotel Room (click the pic)[/caption] Getting an entire house to yourself with a living room, kitchen, front yard and other common areas makes the stay so much more enjoyable. More fun than just cramming all your guests and luggage into a single Put-in-Bay hotel room. And when you are traveling with young children, the additional space is a particularly great thing to have. You can go out all day, enjoy War of 18 Holes Putt-Putt or visit the top of Perry's International Peace and Victory Monument. But you will still spend many hours of happiness with your kids in your rental home or condo. 3. Enjoy The Kind Of Privacy That A Hotel Can Never Offer When you relax in the privacy of a vacation home in Put-in-Bay, it is just as you would in your own house. Vacation home and condo rentals give you the luxury to be 'home' even when you are traveling. This is truly the definition of a home away from home with all the amenities that you deserve to enjoy. 4. Spoil Yourself With The Diverse Options, Choices And Rentals Available There is a wider choice of locations, property types, sizes and budgets in vacation home and condo rentals than you would find in hotels. A comprehensive search on a trusted Put-in-Bay vacation rental website, such as https://www.putinbayreservations.com, should be able to offer you exactly the rental unit that fits your group's requirements. 5. Give Yourself A Better Value For Your Money [caption id="attachment_281" align="alignnone" width="300"]Round House Entertainment Round House Entertainment[/caption] This motto especially holds true when you are traveling with a big group to Put-in-Bay. Splitting costs among the group members ensures the maximum value for every dollar that you spend on your accommodations. When you spend less on lodging, you have more money for fun stuff! And we all know that Put-in-Bay offers some fun stuff like MIST Pool Bar and the Green Room Nightclub! Moreover, when staying in a rental, you can save money on meals by choosing to do a few breakfasts and snacks on your own. You also have laundry facilities. 6. Discover The Individualized Personality That Makes Each Home Memorable If you like things that hold a unique character, Put-in-Bay vacation rental homes might be just what you are looking for. Each rental home and condo is individually owned, so there is no "cookie cutter" feel like in hotel rooms. They each reflect the personal tastes of the owner, the local culture of the area, and they have that unique human touch that hotel rooms simply lack. 7. Appreciate The Feeling Of Being Home In A Put-in-Bay House [caption id="attachment_283" align="alignnone" width="300"]Put in Bay Resort Homes Put in Bay Resort Homes[/caption] It feels good to have an entire home to yourself, even when you are on vacation. You can enjoy indoor and outdoor activities with your family and friends in the privacy and comfort of a proper home, as opposed to the shared spaces in hotels and resorts. No long walks back to a hotel room. There are no elevators to wait for to go up and down. No crowds to slow you down. 8. Realize How Traveling Feels Easier When A Vacation Rental Home Is Your Destination The freedom to do your own laundry (or to NOT do your laundry!) means that you can pack lighter and bring less. The choice of cooking your own meals gives you flexibility and savings if you are tired of eating out every day on the island, which can get pricey. This means that traveling becomes a more comfortable affair for you and your family when you book a vacation rental for your Put-in-Bay stay. But please do plan some great dinners at places like the Upper Deck or Blu Luna. 9. Guarantee Your Kids To Have A Better Time In A Vacation Home When you rent a vacation home, you can easily give the kids a separate room ā€“ so you can keep an eye on them without having to compromise on your own privacy. Also, many vacation homes are well equipped with amenities and space for children's amusement including satellite TV with kids' channels, making it a fun stay for young ones. 10. Think Of Pet-Friendliness With Most Vacation Rental Homes [caption id="attachment_284" align="alignnone" width="300"]Put-in-Bay Pet Friendly Lodging Put-in-Bay Pet Friendly Lodging[/caption] Finding a pet-friendly hotel is a hassle, to say the least. Additionally, it can be a very costly affair even if you do find a hotel that allows pets. Factor in pet deposits, clean-up fees, noise complaints, and other strict rules. Vacation rental homes, however, are much more likely to allow pets and virtually guaranteed to do so at much lower costs than a hotel. Thus, if one of your important family members happens to be a furry pet, remember something. A vacation rental house would be an excellent choice for you to spend your vacation and allow your fur baby to enjoy it with you. Some bars downtown allow pets on their outdoor patios, such as Mr. Ed's. OK, OK... so we can't just stop at 10. There are SO MANY reasons to rent a vacation home, here are three more... 11. Savor the Extra Little Things that a Vacation Home Offers Every vacation rental home has its own set of unique surprises to offer you and your guests. One Put-in-Bay rental may have great nautical treasures decorating the walls. Another may have some A/V media equipment that would make it worth spending a day indoors watching movies or playing games. With all the space a home offers, you might even be able to play Twister! Can't do THAT in a hotel room! 12. Memorable Stays Happen More Often In Homes Than Hotels [caption id="attachment_285" align="alignnone" width="300"]Put in Bay Memories Put in Bay Memories[/caption] The individuality and uniqueness of a vacation rental home makes it memorable. You will more than likely remember a great joke told in the comfort of your vacation rental kitchen than something said while crowded into a cramped hotel room. The sameness of hotels may leave little to no impression on your memory. But a vacation rental home will certainly make its mark on your Put-in-Bay vacation owing to its oneness and individuality. 13. Soaking In The Local Culture Is So Much Easier In A Vacation Home Hotels are by their very nature touristy in their feel, service and most especially in their locations. They are usually right in the middle of the action so that you don't explore anywhere else. But vacation rental homes, on the other hand, offer a closer feel of the local island culture. They are located on the edges or out of the main town. You get to see more of the island. They are not necessarily located in the touristy parts of the town, so you can explore the locales with greater authenticity. You can find those memorable little spots such as Joe's Bar or Jane Coate's Wildflower Trail. If you have never tried it before but have always been curious, take a chance with a Put-in-Bay vacation rental home or condo stay. You will be amazed by the experiences it can give you and your family or group. For an exhaustive list of Put-in-Bay vacation rental homes and condos, try one of the following. Visit the Island Club Home Rentals website or the Put-in-Bay Condos website, and choose an island rental home or Waterfront Condo that suits you best! Of course, if you just have 2 or 4 people, a hotel room is still a good traditional option. If you would like more information about a Put-in-Bay resort or rental, please visit www.putinbayreservations.com, call Put-in-Bay Island Club Rentals at 216-898-9951, or email reserve@putinbayreservations.com.

Posted on 11/22/2020 in About Island Club