Ford Tri-Motor Tour at Put-in-Bay Ohio
Posted on 07/21/2018 in Local Events.

Ford Tri-Motor Tour
Recall the energy, passion, and excitement of the Roaring '20s by flying aboard the Ford Tri-Motor. Known as the first luxury airliner, the Ford Tri-Motor redefined world travel and marked the beginning of commercial flight.
Liberty Air Museum in conjunction with EAA will be flying the TAT Ford Trimotor out of the Put-in-Bay Port Authority Airport for one day only August 6th, 9-5pm.
The Liberty Aviation Museum has announced a change in location for the original tour stop for August 6th 9am-5pm. We are in the process of turning this one-day tour stop into a dual promotion for the Tri-Motor Heritage Foundation's 1929 Island Airlines Ford Tri-Motor project. The THF trailer will be there to sell merchandise on the island, with all proceeds benefiting the other Island Airlines Ford Tri-Motor in the museum's second hangar. Rides will take place between 9am-5pm (weather permitting) at Put-In-Bay airport. We look forward to this tour stop as the beginning of many more future tour stops at the island! Advance tickets* are available at or by calling 1.877.952.5395. The cost is just $75 for adults and $50 for children under 18.
*$5.00 from each seat sold in Liberty Aviation Museum's 1928 Ford Tri-Motor will go directly to the Tri-Motor Heritage Foundation for the support of the Island Airlines Ford Tri-Motor project. Click on the link below to get your tickets today!
EAA's Ford Tri-Motor Takes to the Skies! Affectionately known as the "Tin Goose," this was the largest civilian passenger aircraft of its time. Fly on the Ford August 6th!