September 2020, This & That
Posted on 08/31/2020 in Put-in-Bay History.

The following piece is published in this month’s Put-in-Bay Gazette. The Gazette has been producing incredible independent Put-in-Bay island news for over 40 years. If you have any interest at all in what is happening on South Bass Island, we urge you strongly to subscribe to the Put-in-Bay Gazette. One-year online subscriptions are only $15, and print subscriptions are available as well. To subscribe please click here.
PIBYC Bricks
Put-in-Bay Yacht Club had 34 new members join the yacht club during the month of June and July. The winner of the member sponsorship contest in June is C.C. Wisniewski and for the month of July it was a tie between Marcia Ashley and Nate Rubeck. C.C. will receive her $100 yacht club bucks and Marcia and Nate will split July's prize at $50 each.
Bright Yellow!
Karen and Charles Edwards from Lakeview Allotment on East Point have something quite unique going on. Their car, their antique parade roadster, their golf cart and their jet ski are all painted the same bright yellow. You can certainly tell when they come down the road. In all our years on the island, we've never seen or heard of anyone else doing this. Maybe this should be a requirement to live on the island.
We're glad to hear Bob Bahney is recovering from recent hip surgery. Ty Burgess and Don Thwaite are also back on the island doing better after recent hospital stays.
Well Wishes
We wish Tonda Zelms the best as she starts her new job with GenoaBank. Tonda was the manager of the First National Bank here at Put-in-Bay.
Sewer Graffiti
You may have seen graffiti painted next to some of the sewer grates around DeRivera Park that reads, "Lake Erie Starts Here." Anthony Zehe responded with this note... To my family: If I ever leave this world and you decide to spread my ashes on the beloved fresh-water paradise we call Lake Erie, this is not an acceptable place to start pouring!
Perch Fishing
If you've been reading or listening to the fishing reports, you'll be happy to know that yellow perch, almost everyone's favorite Lake Erie's delicacy, are coming back to the Western Basin. Most of the yellow perch caught have been 8 to 10 inches in length.
Sorry to See You Leave
We're sorry to see George and Sharon Weisenbach retire to St. James City, Florida, after they sold their boat and home on East Point on Middle Bass Island. George and Sharon have been very active members of the island community over the years and they will surely be missed.
Mary Ann Mondays
If you tune into Miller Boatline's Facebook page on Mondays you can get updates on their new ferry, M/V Mary Ann Market." Recent progress showed a coat of Rust-Oleum 9300 primer being applied to the upper house. In certain areas, the "Mary Ann Market" will have five coats of Rust-Oleum paint totaling around 300 gallons. A couple of weeks later, you could see windows being installed in the pilot house.
This piece of Put-in-Bay journalism has been provided to courtesy of the Put-in-Bay Gazette, Put-in-Bay's only local newspaper. Visit their website for more information and to subscribe!