The BIG 2016 Miller Boat Line 5k at Put-in-Bay
Posted on 08/08/2016 in Local Events.

Bring your friends and families and join with over 800 runners in the biggest, most fun and most picturesque run in all of Ohio, the Miller 5k. Make up a group and enjoy the beauty and fun of being on a magical island in Lake Erie. Call Island Club Home Rentals at 216-898-9951 for reservations to stay over the weekend or visit If you are not already registered, please join us again this year in the 5k Run or 1 Mile Fun Walk at the Bay. REGISTER either ONLINE or VIA MAIL (registration closes Sept. 17th @ 9am). You can pick up your packet either Friday night from 5:00pm-8:00pm or Saturday, before 9:00am at the Boathouse Restaurant (RAIN OR SHINE). By pre-registering you are assured of receiving the official long-sleeved race tee shirt. Make your reservation now by clicking Don't forget to invite your friends to join you this year! It is more fun to run with friends on Put-in-Bay than it is alone. Groups are encouraged! UNIQUE AWARDS: Engraved Lake Erie rocks' awarded: (*one rock per winner) · Overall male and female for 5K and 1 Mile · Top 5K male and female Put-in-Bay residents · Top two 5K male and female runners in each age division AGE DIVISIONS: 10 and under, 11-15, 16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60 and over COST: Pre-Registration: $19.00/person (on or before Wednesday, Sept. 14th via mail) Late Registration: $25.00/person (after Weds. Sept. 14th) Discounted Family Rate: $16.00/person (More than one person living at the same address can qualify for the family discount.) Submit all forms in one envelope.